Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Friday, July 3, 2009

First Cereal!

Tonight Ellyson had her first taste of cereal! I'm not quite sure she was so wild about it! She had her 4 month old doctor's appointment today and did wonderful! She got 3 shots and just cried a little. Her weight hasn't changed all that much but the doctor said that her head control and movement was so good that she felt comfortable starting cereal. She is sleeping a little better and hopefully really good tonight after getting a full belly! She loves her new exersauser and is standing up in it really well. She stayed with her Mimi and Pop today for a "fun" day and is looking forward to her Gran coming to visit soon! This is a new video of her laughing that we finally caught tonight!


1 comment:

Angela Pence said...

i thought it was peanut butter knowing her mama