Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, July 21, 2008

It's A Real Baby!

We got our first ultra-sound today! We were worried that something would be wrong, but we heard a strong heartbeat and sound a gigantic blob!! Well, it wasn't gigantic! The lady said it was about the size of a sesame seed. We still don't have a due date because the doctor said that it was too small to get a good measurement. We are going back in three weeks to get a good measurement and find out when we can expect our little package.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Good News!

On Thurday June 19, Rich and I got the good news that I was going to have a baby! We were very excited, but it was quite unexpected. I had gone to the doctor to get my yearly check-up and talk about fertility options, since we had been trying for over a year. Needless to say, after discussing many expensive options, my doctor came back and told me none were needed! It was a huge surprise and I think since then, we have both been in shock! We told all our family this past week and everyone is very excited. I get a sonogram on Wed to see our precious little pumpkin seed.