Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Ellyson had a wonderful first Christmas and so did we!!! Ellyson had no idea what was going on and enjoyed playing with all the wrapping paper! Gran came to visit us and we had a great day visiting and eating with family at Mimi and Papa's house. Rich got lots of great vacation last week and this week, so he has enjoyed his time off. I have the rest of this week off and am loving spending time with Ellyson. The next few weeks will be busy for us since we will be moving. So we are packing up and trying to get everything organized! Here are some pictures from Christmas...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow!

We got tons of snow this past weekend, starting on Friday night. Daddy even got a Sunday off today! I can't remember the last time that happened! It was VERY nice. Ellyson got her first view of snow on Saturday afternoon, which she wasn't too wild about it. It was freezing! Thank-goodness for Anna-Reid's hand-me-down snow outfit! We were prepared and it was the perfect size! Thanks Kim! Here are some pictures and video from our last week.



Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellyson!

Happy 9-month Birthday Ellyson! I can't believe time has gone by so fast! We are already planning a 1-year Birthday BASH!! Today was just church and tonight was our Christmas Concert by the choir. Ellyson danced the whole time they were singing and playing bells. She is definitely musically inclined...who knows where she got that...must be from both of her Aunts. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ellyson had a great first Thanksgiving. Gran and Uncle Jay came to visit and we ate a BIG supper at Mimi's house. Ellyson had to break out her turkey costume since it fit the occasion. We had to get our last wear out of that! We can't believe it is almost Christmas time! It should be a fun time for Ellyson this year. We haven't put up our tree this year because we are hoping to move within the next few weeks, but she LOVES Mimi's tree. It's ALL about the lights!!! Her stocking is hung and hopefully Santa will know where we are on Christmas Eve!