Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Ellyson had a wonderful first Christmas and so did we!!! Ellyson had no idea what was going on and enjoyed playing with all the wrapping paper! Gran came to visit us and we had a great day visiting and eating with family at Mimi and Papa's house. Rich got lots of great vacation last week and this week, so he has enjoyed his time off. I have the rest of this week off and am loving spending time with Ellyson. The next few weeks will be busy for us since we will be moving. So we are packing up and trying to get everything organized! Here are some pictures from Christmas...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow!

We got tons of snow this past weekend, starting on Friday night. Daddy even got a Sunday off today! I can't remember the last time that happened! It was VERY nice. Ellyson got her first view of snow on Saturday afternoon, which she wasn't too wild about it. It was freezing! Thank-goodness for Anna-Reid's hand-me-down snow outfit! We were prepared and it was the perfect size! Thanks Kim! Here are some pictures and video from our last week.



Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellyson!

Happy 9-month Birthday Ellyson! I can't believe time has gone by so fast! We are already planning a 1-year Birthday BASH!! Today was just church and tonight was our Christmas Concert by the choir. Ellyson danced the whole time they were singing and playing bells. She is definitely musically inclined...who knows where she got that...must be from both of her Aunts. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ellyson had a great first Thanksgiving. Gran and Uncle Jay came to visit and we ate a BIG supper at Mimi's house. Ellyson had to break out her turkey costume since it fit the occasion. We had to get our last wear out of that! We can't believe it is almost Christmas time! It should be a fun time for Ellyson this year. We haven't put up our tree this year because we are hoping to move within the next few weeks, but she LOVES Mimi's tree. It's ALL about the lights!!! Her stocking is hung and hopefully Santa will know where we are on Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Ellyson had a wonderful Halloween weekend, although it was a little hot in VA for a big, thick Turkey costume!!! She made candy apples for all the family and had fun trick-or-treating with her cousins. After a few minutes, she looked up at Rich and I as if to say, "I thought you guys said this was going to be fun!!!" She liked her light sticks the best! I am sure next year will be a lot more eventful! Ellyson has two bottom teeth now, but she is so stubborn, she won't let me get a picture of them. I am going to keep trying, though! She is doing great at school and even moved up to the toddler room on Monday. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Check us all out dancing with Obama! We hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! We are looking VERY forward to trick-or-treating next Saturday night....pictures are definitely to follow!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ellyson Caide Six Months Pix

Here are some of Ellyson Caide's six month pix that we got back today! They turned out great...we are super excited about them. She is pulling up on everything and going to be walking soon we think. She's got one little tooth, although I don't think you can spot it in these pictures! She's growing up right before our eyes!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall Youth-Group Kick-off....Tailgate Party!!!

Tonight we kicked off youth-group for the fall and had a tail-gate party! Guess whose idea that was????? We had a great time and had a wonderful turnout...some kids we'd never even seen before! So far...off to a great start! Ellyson was a great tail-gater too!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Day With Mimi and Pop

While Daddy was in Blacksburg watching a "nail-biter," Ellyson and I went to hang out with Mim and Pop. Ellyson liked showing off all her crawling tricks, picking up everything she could find on Mim's carpet! We planned on getting some errands done, but unfortunately that didn't happen...easy things to do, seem so difficult with a little one! Guess we'll have to go drop off laundry, go to Target and clean the house tomorrow! We will all be attending the BIG Brandermill Youth-Group kick-off tomorrow night having a "Tailgate Party" wearing our team colors! Check back later for pix!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


What in the world???? We came home from work tonight and our tiny little "baby" was moving all around!!! She has been rocking on her hands and knees and we knew it was coming....but it was still very surprising and just a little sad! Where did our baby go???? Check out the link! :)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Girl...

Ok...maybe a little early!

First day of school

Look! Arms out!

I'm free!

Major things are happening in the Catlett household! Ellyson started her new daycare the first part of September at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. This is the daycare that Rich and I have been waiting to open. So far, we are pretty happy with what is happening. Ellyson is trying to crawl, so we are thinking she might "graduate" from her infant room pretty quickly. So many changes...we hope it is not too much for her. She is having a hard time napping, so bedtime comes very early in our house. Finally, after 6 months, we have transitioned out of the swaddling blanket!! This is a HUGE step for us...we started with arms out and then tonight was the first night of no blanket! What a BIG girl!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Go Dawgs....

Well, the Dawgs didn't pull it out last night, but we are hoping for better things to come! Ellyson was ready for gameday, but fell asleep and threw up all over her outfit before the game even started!!! Oh well....we celebrated anyway today because today Ellyson turned 6 months!!! I can't believe time has gone by so fast...it seems like yesterday!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer is almost over...

Well...we've had a busy summer, but I guess it is almost over! We are all looking forward to football starting soon...although, we might never see Daddy then! We have spent fun days at Mimi's on the lake and also going to the pool with Aunt Cindy. Ellyson is becoming quite the little swimmer. Today, she almost made it all the way under. Aunt Cindy got her a lady-bug float, which she loved today! Ellyson is learning all kinds of fancy tricks from her older friends at school...she isn't crawling yet, but when you're not looking, somehow she scoots backwards! Wrong way, but hey, we'll take it! 6 month Dr's appt is the beginning of September, so hopefully we'll get the go-ahead to start some veggies! Yuuuummmm! I actually gave her just a little squash the other night and she LOVED it. She can't wait to start chowing down!