Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4 months!

Ellyson is 4 months old!!! She is trying soooo hard to roll-over, but just hasn't made it yet (see video!!!!). Momma started work this week, so Daddy and Mimi had to take over. She will start daycare next week, which we are really praying about! I know it will be fine, but I will be doing a lot of worrying next week. I know work will get better, but it sure is hard right now! She is growing up so fast and I don't want to miss one second of it. Alex took her 4 month pictures with Rich, so here are some of the good ones. We love our little "ladybug" to pieces!


1 comment:

Angela Pence said...

She is doing such a great job at that. Looks like Bella wanted to roll over, too. When I play your videos and here your voice, lila and fudge go crazy and go to the window looking for you. Love the pics, looks like daddy is doing a great job